


11.1 ENB Binaries

ENB Binaries

Graphic modifications for Skyrim SE

Click here to download ENB binaries from

Click on the last version v0.454

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on download button

When downloaded go to the directory where you downloaded the file and right click on the file, select 7-zip and Extract to enbseries_skyrimse_v0454

Got to the directory enbseries_skyrimse_v0454\WrapperVersion

Copy the file d3d11.dll and d3dcompiler_46e.dll into your Skyrim SE installtion directory Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition

ENB binaries are now installed.


Rudy ENB

Semi realistic preset, for all popular weather and lighting mods. All the effects are customizable through the GUI, plus a series of videos aimed at illustrating the major modifications that can be made by the users.

Click here to download Rudy ENB from

Select Rudy ENB SE for Obsidian Weathers and ENB binaries 0.448 (the second main file) and click on manual download and slow download (if you are not a premium member).

When downloaded go to the directory where you downloaded the file and right click on the file Rudy ENB SE for Obsidian Weathers and ENB binaries 0.448-4796-5-0g-1603722335.rar, select 7-zip and Extract to Rudy ENB SE for Obsidian Weathers and ENB binaries 0.448-4796-5-0g-1603722335

Got to the directory Rudy ENB SE for Obsidian Weathers and ENB binaries 0.448-4796-5-0g-1603722335\Rudy for SSE 5.0g OW\! OW Version\[ Skyrim SE folder ]

Copy these files into your Skyrim SE installtion directory Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition

Go to the directory Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\ and open the file enblocal.ini with a text editor of your choice.

Set ForceVSync=false and EnableFPSLimit=false

Don't forget to calibrate your monitor as required by the author here

ENB ingame visual adjustments (open console to block ui and shift + enter when you are in game)
Distant Water LOD

If you experiencing water lods seams in the distance, adjust these setting in the ENB GUI (open console to block ui and Shift + enter when you are ingame)

Distant Terrain LOD

If you experiencing different colors for terrain lods transition, set EnableImageBasedLighting to false in the enbseries.ini file located in the Skyrim installation folder

Rudy ENB preset is now installed.

11.3 Reshade Binaries

Reshade Binaries

ReShade is a generic post-processing injector for games and video software.

Click here to download Reshade binaries from

Click on the last version 4.9.1

When downloaded go to the directory where you downloaded the file and execute the file reShade_Setup_4.9.1.exe

Click on Click here to select a game...

Select Skyrim (SkyrimSE.exe) and click on Use Selected Application

Click on Direct3D 10/11/12

Select all options and click OK


Make sure you selected effects with checkmarks and not black squares

Let Reshade process with the installation.

Reshade is installed, you can close the window.

11.4 Nolvus Reshade

Nolvus Reshade

A reshade preset designed to work with Obsidian Weathers and Rudy ENB.

Click here to download NOLVUS Reshade from

Select Nolvus Reshade 2.0a For Rudy Obsidian or Cathedral Weathers (from main files) and click on manual download and slow download (if you are not a premium member).

When downloaded go to the directory where you downloaded the file and right click on the file Nolvus Reshade 2.0a For Rudy Obsidian or Cathedral Weathers-34646-2-0a-1610880079.7z, select 7-zip and Extract to Nolvus Reshade 2.0a For Rudy Obsidian or Cathedral Weathers-34646-2-0a-1610880079

Got to the directory Nolvus Reshade 2.0a For Rudy Obsidian or Cathedral Weathers-34646-2-0a-1610880079

Copy the file Nolvus Reshade.ini into your Skyrim SE installtion directory Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition

Run the game, at the start menu press "Home" key

Click on Continue

Select Nolvus Reshade.ini

Click on "Continue" until you see this screen and click "Finish"

Nolvus Reshade preset is now installed.

Please Don't forget to endorse my Nolvus reshade on the Nexus, it helps a lot.

11.5 Brightness Adjustments

If you want to adjust brightness (too dark in interior and at night), you can tweak these settings

At ENB Level

Got to ENB UI (open console to block ui and Shift + Enter) and tweak these settings

For night settings (higher value = brighter)

For interior settings (higher value = brighter)

11.6 ENB Alterantives (optional)

These are some ENB alternatives to Rudy ENB with their corresponding Nolvus Reshade presets. Warning Install only one ENB and reshade preset!

SkyrimSE Re-Engaged ENB

This has a taste of realistic tone along with fantasy. Colors can be vibrant and beautiful while also feeling grim in stormy weathers. This version tends to have very atmospheric foggy weathers and cold and dark rainy weathers. Clear weathers are bright and colorful.

Click here to download SkyrimSE Re-Engaged ENB from

Select A. Re-Engaged ENB for Obsidian (ENB Weathers Supported) V9.1 (the first main file) and click on manual download and slow download (if you are not a premium member).

When downloaded go to the directory where you downloaded the file and right click on the file A. Re-Engaged ENB for Obsidian (ENB Weathers Supported) V9.1-1089-9-1a-1602341294.7z, select 7-zip and Extract to A. Re-Engaged ENB for Obsidian (ENB Weathers Supported) V9.1-1089-9-1a-1602341294

Got to the directory A. Re-Engaged ENB for Obsidian (ENB Weathers Supported) V9.1-1089-9-1a-1602341294\A. Re-Engaged ENB for Obsidian V9.1a\1. Main File (Install)\Ultimate Edition Version (Best Image)

Copy these files into your Skyrim SE installtion directory Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition

Go to the directory Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\ and open the file enblocal.ini with a text editor of your choice.

Set ForceVSync=false and EnableFPSLimit=false

Don't forget to calibrate your monitor as required by the author here

Re-Engaged ENB preset is now installed.

Nolvus reshade preset for Re-Engaged ENB here

Touch of Natural Tamriel ENB

From the author of NVT & Re-Engaged ENB. A natural ENB preset designed for Obsidian Weather or NAT Weathers 2.0. This ENB brings a natural look to Tamriel while also painting a lovely color palette than enhances the wonderful weathers of NAT. Designed for ENB Weather Support. Also, supports night eye fix.

Click here to download Touch of Natural Tamriel ENB from

Select B. Touch of Natural Tamriel (TNT) ENB for Obsidian (ENB Weathers Supported) V1.3 (the second main file) and click on manual download and slow download (if you are not a premium member).

When downloaded go to the directory where you downloaded the file and right click on the file B. Touch of Natural Tamriel (TNT) ENB for Obsidian (ENB Weathers Supported) V1.3-41317-1-3b-1604160576.7z, select 7-zip and Extract to B. Touch of Natural Tamriel (TNT) ENB for Obsidian (ENB Weathers Supported) V1.3-41317-1-3b-1604160576

Got to the directory B. Touch of Natural Tamriel (TNT) ENB for Obsidian (ENB Weathers Supported) V1.3-41317-1-3b-1604160576\B. Touch of Natural Tamriel (TNT) ENB for Obsidian V1.3\1. Main File (Install)\1. Full Quality

Copy these files into your Skyrim SE installtion directory Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition

Go to the directory Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\ and open the file enblocal.ini with a text editor of your choice.

Set ForceVSync=false and EnableFPSLimit=false

Touch of Natural Tamriel ENB preset is now installed.

Nolvus reshade preset for Touch of Natural Tamriel ENB here

Previous step : 10.2 LOD GenerationPrevious step : 10.2 LOD GenerationPrevious step : 10.2 LOD GenerationMCM SettingsMCM SettingsMCM Settings

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werwin1 100,00 EUR

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TheGeorge1980 100,00 EUR

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Kevin K 88,00 EUR

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Halo 80,00 EUR

CYRIL888 60,00 EUR

Illusive Bro 60,00 EUR

renekunisz 50,00 EUR

Discrepancy 50,00 EUR

Lodreyon 50,00 EUR

Daskard 50,00 EUR

GarbrielWithoutWings 50,00 USD

Vonk 50,00 USD

Bryan W 50,00 USD

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