With Nolvus you have a mod pack completely separated from the game itself. Except for some mods like enb, reshade and some other tools nothing will be installed inside the Skyrim installation directory and your game will remain absolutely clean.
Go to your Dedicated SSD and Create a Directory NOLVUS
Inside NOLVUS create 4 sub directories
ARCHIVE directory can be created on a HDD in order to save some space for your SSD, don't forget to point to this folder when the guide says to go to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE during mod installation.
Inside NOLVUS\ARCHIVE create this directory structure
This guide provide a manual way of installing mods.
Mod Organizer 2 which is the software we will use to manage our mods ( described in the next section ) also provides an automatic way of downloading and installing mods directly from Nexus.
I always used the automatic method to download and install mods which is faster till the time i realized that all mods archives were stored into a single directory and as sometimes mods archive names are irrelevant i decided to go for manual download and installation and put mods archives into a directories structure keeping my mods archives more organized.
I know that for someone it's a pain, but it's my way of doing things and everyone has his own method related to his own preference.
I started to work on this guide because many users were asking me to explain how they can get the same visuals for Skyrim on my Youtube chanel. So i explained how i did manage to get my Skyrim modded like that including my way of doing things.
However i understand that people sometimes prefer an automatic way of doing things so i will also provide information on how to download and install mods automatically.
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