ULTRA (Northern Vibes)

5.10 Lighting, Effects & Particles

Make sure you install the mods in the following order.

Click on a mod to expand the content

As for the previous step , we will create a separator for our user interface mods.

Right click on OUPUTS select All Mods -> create separator.


Relighting Skyrim

Fixes the placement and characteristics of lights throughout Skyrim. Aspires to keep the intended vanilla feel, while actually making light come from light sources and not be absurdly bright or dark.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Relighting Skyrim SSE - Window Shadows Compatible Version v1.2.2WS-8586-1-2-2WS-1621626092.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for Relighting Skyrim

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\Relighting Skyrim SSE - Window Shadows Compatible Version v1.2.2WS-8586-1-2-2WS-1621626092.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Relighting Skyrim above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Enhanced Light For ENB

Lighting changes for all interiors in Skyrim Special Edition.
This version of ELE is a Lite version of the full ELE Suite found at ENBDev. This only includes certain features from all ELE modules into one single .esp plugin.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file ELE - SE v1.2.2-1377-1-2-2-1543800567.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for Enhanced Light For ENB

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\ELE - SE v1.2.2-1377-1-2-2-1543800567.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Enhanced Light For ENB above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Enhanced Light For ENB - Beyond Skyrim - Bruma Patch

Lighting changes for all interiors in Skyrim Special Edition.
This version of ELE is a Lite version of the full ELE Suite found at ENBDev. This only includes certain features from all ELE modules into one single .esp plugin.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file ELE SE - Beyond Skyrim - Bruma patch-1377-BSBr1-0-1572705668.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for Enhanced Light For ENB - Beyond Skyrim - Bruma Patch

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\ELE SE - Beyond Skyrim - Bruma patch-1377-BSBr1-0-1572705668.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Enhanced Light For ENB - Beyond Skyrim - Bruma Patch above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Enhanced Light For ENB - Legacy of the Dragonborn Patch

Lighting changes for all interiors in Skyrim Special Edition.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file ELE SE - Legacy of the Dragonborn patch-1377-1-1-1572390813.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for Enhanced Light For ENB - Legacy of the Dragonborn Patch

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\ELE SE - Legacy of the Dragonborn patch-1377-1-1-1572390813.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Enhanced Light For ENB - Legacy of the Dragonborn Patch above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Enhanced Light For ENB - Beyond Reach Patch

Beyond Reach patches and fixes for various mods, including Immersive Sounds and Enhanced Lights for ENB. ESL-flagged for her pleasure.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Beyond Reach - ELE Patch-42752-1-0-1606713157.zip and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for Enhanced Light For ENB - Beyond Reach Patch

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\Beyond Reach - ELE Patch-42752-1-0-1606713157.zip and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Enhanced Light For ENB - Beyond Reach Patch above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Smoking Torches and Candles SSE

A modification that adds a smoke particle effect to torches used by the player and the NPCs as well as those mounted to the wall.

Optional component will add a smoke particle effect to most candles in the game world.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Smoking Torches and Candles-8607-1-76-1616249774.zip and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for Smoking Torches and Candles SSE

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\Smoking Torches and Candles-8607-1-76-1616249774.zip and select OK

Drag and drop Smoking Torches and Candles SSE above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Burned Corspe

Hello, just a simple mod to replace the burned bodies.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Burned Corspe UHD-10022-.rar and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for Burned Corspe

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\Burned Corspe UHD-10022-.rar and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Burned Corspe above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Frozen Electrocuted Combustion

Applies visual effects to NPCs and the player, when killed by air, ash, dragons, drain, fire, frost, fear, lightning, poison, soultrap, steam and sun damage status effects.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Frozen Electrocuted Combustion-3532-5-0-5-1652183044.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for Frozen Electrocuted Combustion

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\Frozen Electrocuted Combustion-3532-5-0-5-1652183044.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Frozen Electrocuted Combustion above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Deadly Spell Impacts

Fire, lightning, frost, and spit (Spider/Chaurus) spell impacts now have their own unique textures. This mod also increases the variation in impact size, increases the size of dragon breath impacts, and adds melted snow impacts for fire and lightning spells.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Deadly Spell Impacts v1_70-12939-1-70.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for Deadly Spell Impacts

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\Deadly Spell Impacts v1_70-12939-1-70.7z and select OK

1. Select options as shown and click on Install.

Drag and drop Deadly Spell Impacts above OUTPUTS and check the mod.


This replaces the electric effects in the game, which are mostly spells.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file ELECTRIFY SEv4 x2048-5253-4-0.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for ELECTRIFY SE

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\ELECTRIFY SEv4 x2048-5253-4-0.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop ELECTRIFY SE above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Dust Effects

Replacer For HD dust Effects from 128px(vanilla) to 3 x 1024px Ported from skyrim to SE from Darkjesusmn

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file DustEffectsSSE-2407-1-0.rar and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for Dust Effects

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\DustEffectsSSE-2407-1-0.rar and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Dust Effects above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Frozen in Time

In a cold place like Skyrim with many adventurers, it would make sense with the shipwrecks and cold mountains that there would be frozen bodies in the snow or by the ocean right?

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Frozen in Time 1.1 High Poly bodies-12625-1-1.zip and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for Frozen in Time

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\Frozen in Time 1.1 High Poly bodies-12625-1-1.zip and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Frozen in Time above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Bthardamz

Only for the ENB users (for 0.365 binaries or newer). This mod utilizes a new "ENB Particle Lights" feature. Just adds more light sources with a shadows to the game.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Bthardamz-22703-1-0a-1601422578.rar and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Bthardamz

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Bthardamz-22703-1-0a-1601422578.rar and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Bthardamz above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Chaurus Eggs and Sacs

Only for the ENB users (for 0.365 binaries or newer). This mod utilizes a new "ENB Particle Lights" feature. Just adds more light sources with a shadows to the game.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Chaurus Eggs and Sacs-22705-1-0a-1601482816.rar and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Chaurus Eggs and Sacs

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Chaurus Eggs and Sacs-22705-1-0a-1601482816.rar and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Chaurus Eggs and Sacs above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Deathbells and Nirnroots

Only for the ENB users (for 0.365 binaries or newer). This mod utilizes a new "ENB Particle Lights" feature. Just adds more light sources with a shadows to the game.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Deathbells and Nirnroots-22814-1-0b-1601488758.rar and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Deathbells and Nirnroots

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Deathbells and Nirnroots-22814-1-0b-1601488758.rar and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Deathbells and Nirnroots above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Moths

Only for the ENB users (for 0.365 binaries or newer). This mod utilizes a new "ENB Particle Lights" feature. Just adds more light sources with a shadows to the game.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Moths and Fireflys-22819-1-0b-1601488463.rar and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Moths

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Moths and Fireflys-22819-1-0b-1601488463.rar and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Moths above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Soulgems

Only for the ENB users (for 0.365 binaries or newer). This mod utilizes a new "ENB Particle Lights" feature. Just adds more light sources with a shadows to the game.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Soulgems-22704-1-0a-1601430390.rar and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Soulgems

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Soulgems-22704-1-0a-1601430390.rar and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Soulgems above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Glowing Mushrooms

Only for the ENB users (for 0.365 binaries or newer). This mod utilizes a new "ENB Particle Lights" feature. Just adds more light sources with a shadows to the game.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Glowing Mushrooms-40991-1-0a-1601775796.rar and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Glowing Mushrooms

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Glowing Mushrooms-40991-1-0a-1601775796.rar and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Rudy HQ - More Lights for ENB SE - Glowing Mushrooms above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

We want to get only the glowing effects keeping the textures from Rally's.

Double click on the mod, select Filtree tab and hide these files.

ENB Particle Lights - Dwemer Lanterns

Adds ENB Complex Particle Lights to all Dwemer lanterns and chandeliers. Subtle effect that goes a long way. Requires ENBSeries.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file ENB-ParticleLights-DwemerLanterns-1-02-24108-1-02-1552437026.rar and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for ENB Particle Lights - Dwemer Lanterns

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\ENB-ParticleLights-DwemerLanterns-1-02-24108-1-02-1552437026.rar and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click OK

Drag and drop ENB Particle Lights - Dwemer Lanterns above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Improved Weapon Effect - Sparkles

A cleaned with SSEEdit version of an Oldrim mod with the same name by Lordaloa.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Sparkles-8936-1-3.zip and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for Improved Weapon Effect - Sparkles

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\Sparkles-8936-1-3.zip and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Improved Weapon Effect - Sparkles above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Quick Light SE

Turn on/off a light when long press the activation key or short press L key. It can be operated like the pip-boy light in fallout 4.It is aimed to be quick, easy, simple.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Quick Light SE-12633-2-2-1575553166.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for Quick Light SE

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\Quick Light SE-12633-2-2-1575553166.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Quick Light SE above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Arctic - Frost Effects Redux

Improved and realistic textures applied to frost spells and effects along with new 3D meshes!

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Arctic - Frost Effects Redux-29817-2-1-1591025469.zip and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for Arctic - Frost Effects Redux

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\Arctic - Frost Effects Redux-29817-2-1-1591025469.zip and select OK

Drag and drop Arctic - Frost Effects Redux above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

ENB Light

Light on grass at night! Unlimited shadowed light sources! Transform your Skyrim experience completely with ENB particle lights.


After installing this mod, you may experience purple texture for lanterns and horncandle.

It seems that this mods uses meshes that point to textures that are not covered by this guide.

Don't worry, everything will be fixed at the end of section 5.17.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file ENB Light 0.98 Alpha 2-22574-0-98Alpha2-1577144667.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for ENB Light

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\ENB Light 0.98 Alpha 2-22574-0-98Alpha2-1577144667.7z and select OK

Drag and drop ENB Light above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Embers XD

An overhaul of campfires and other fire sources.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Embers XD-37085-2-5-9-1652462349.zip and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for Embers XD

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\Embers XD-37085-2-5-9-1652462349.zip and select OK

Drag and drop Embers XD above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

HD Better Dust Piles

Complete remake from scratch of my previous and horrible dust pile texture.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file 2K Remade HD Better Dust Piles-22106-1-0-1545627868.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for HD Better Dust Piles

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\2K Remade HD Better Dust Piles-22106-1-0-1545627868.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop HD Better Dust Piles above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Window Shadows

Windows now cast shadows from interiors and worldspaces. Now includes Enhancer.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Window Shadows v7.7.5-RS-37831-7-7-5-RS-1625771086.zip and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for Window Shadows

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\Window Shadows v7.7.5-RS-37831-7-7-5-RS-1625771086.zip and select OK

Select options as shown and click on Next

Select options as shown and click on Next

Select options as shown and click on Install

Drag and drop Window Shadows above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

On the right panel, uncheck the following plugins

Improved Dust Particles

This mod aims to improve all of the dust in Skyrim (Usually given off by the sun rays coming out of windows).It does this through the use of 3d rendered dust particles.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file TB's Improved Dust Particles-39003-1-3-1596543420.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for Improved Dust Particles

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\TB's Improved Dust Particles-39003-1-3-1596543420.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Improved Dust Particles above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Dynamic Volumetric Lighting and Sun Shadows

A SKSE Plugin that dynamically adjusts the "fSunDirXExtreme" game setting to ensure better synchronization between sun shadows and the sun.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Dynamic Volumetric Lighting and Sun Shadows-44483-1-0-2-1614007042.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for Dynamic Volumetric Lighting and Sun Shadows

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\Dynamic Volumetric Lighting and Sun Shadows-44483-1-0-2-1614007042.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Dynamic Volumetric Lighting and Sun Shadows above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Dynamic Volumetric Lighting and Sun Shadows - Skyrim Underside

A SKSE Plugin that dynamically adjusts the "fSunDirXExtreme" game setting to ensure better synchronization between sun shadows and the sun.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file DVLaSS Skyrim Underside-44483-1-0-2-1612696864.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for Dynamic Volumetric Lighting and Sun Shadows - Skyrim Underside

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\DVLaSS Skyrim Underside-44483-1-0-2-1612696864.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Dynamic Volumetric Lighting and Sun Shadows - Skyrim Underside above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Legacy of the Dragonborn - Museum Dome Sunlight and Shadows

Adds dynamic sunlight through the dome of the museum

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Legacy of The Dragonborn - museum dome sunlight and shadows-38237-0-4-1608620700.rar and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for Legacy of the Dragonborn - Museum Dome Sunlight and Shadows

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\Legacy of The Dragonborn - museum dome sunlight and shadows-38237-0-4-1608620700.rar and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click OK

Drag and drop Legacy of the Dragonborn - Museum Dome Sunlight and Shadows above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Splashes Of Skyrim

SKSE plugin that adds projectile based water splashes and ripples, and underwater explosions.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Splashes Of Skyrim - 1.2-47710-1-2-1617245179.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES directory

Click here to get more details for Splashes Of Skyrim

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\5_VISUALS\5.10_LIGHTING, EFFECTS & PARTICLES\Splashes Of Skyrim - 1.2-47710-1-2-1617245179.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Splashes Of Skyrim above OUTPUTS and check the mod.
Post Installation Setup

LOOT is used to order mods plugin but sometimes it is necessary to add a custom ordering rule to tell LOOT the right load order.

Select LOOT from the right combobox and click on Run button (Always run it from Mod Organizer)

In the right pane scroll to find ELE_SSE.esp and load it after Shadows.esp

Click on the sort button

You will get this screen

Click on Apply

Your mods plugins are now ordered correctly.

Skyrim SE plugins architecture allows a maximum of 255 ESP plugins(Mod Organizer 2 right plane).

An ESL plugins does not count for this 255 plugins limit.

At this point we can convert some ESP plugins to ESL plugins to save some space.

Select SSEEdit from the right combobox and click on Run button (Always run it from Mod Organizer)

Make sure all mods are selected and click on OK

Let the program process data and click on OK when you get this window

You should get the message "Background Loader: finished" in the right pane

On the left pane right click on any mod and select Apply Script

Select Find ESP plugins which could be turned into ESL and click on OK

On the right pane you should get messages telling you which plugin can be converted

On the left pane, expand DeadlySpellImpacts.esp and select File Header

On the right pane, double click on Record Flags, you will get a warning then click Yes i'm absolutely sure

Check ESL

You should get this result

Repeat the previous steps for all mods mentionned above

  • DustEffectsSSE.esp
  • SparklesSE.esp

When done close SSEEdit, you should get this window.

Make sure all the modified mods are checked and click on OK.

Start the game

Select SKSE and click on Run

In the game main menu load your last saved game.

Start to test if all the mods have been installed correctly.

Make a save game and exit the game.

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