2. User Interface

ULTRA (Northern Vibes)

Make sure you install the mods in the following order.

Click on a mod to expand the content

2.1 Huds

As for the previous step , we will create a separator for our user interface mods.

Right click on OUPUTS select All Mods -> create separator.

Type 2.USER INTERFACE and click OK

Right click on OUTPUTS again, select All Mods -> create separator.

Type 2.1 HUDS and click OK

You should get this result.


Elegant, PC-friendly interface mod with many advanced features.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file SkyUI_5_2_SE-12604-5-2SE.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2 USER INTERFACE\2.1 HUDS directory

Click here to get more details for SkyUI SE

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2 USER INTERFACE\2.1 HUDS\SkyUI_5_2_SE-12604-5-2SE.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop SkyUI SE above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Immersive HUD - iHUD

HUD when you need it. HIDE when you don't.

Get the best of both worlds. The usefulness of having a HUD with the immersion of having none.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Immersive HUD - iHUD-12440-0-2b.rar and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2 USER INTERFACE\2.1 HUDS directory

Click here to get more details for Immersive HUD - iHUD

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2 USER INTERFACE\2.1 HUDS\Immersive HUD - iHUD-12440-0-2b.rar and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Immersive HUD - iHUD above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

moreHUD SE

Adds more information to the HUD about the currently targeted object and enemies. Such as ingredients, weapon effects, potions, read books, v/w, enemy level, etc

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file moreHUD SE Light Master-12688-4-0-0-5Beta-1612021456.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2 USER INTERFACE\2.1 HUDS directory

Click here to get more details for moreHUD SE

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2 USER INTERFACE\2.1 HUDS\moreHUD SE Light Master-12688-4-0-0-5Beta-1612021456.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop moreHUD SE above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

moreHUD Inventory Edition

This mod brings some features from moreHUD into the inventory menu. From your inventory you can now see if enchantments are known by the player and other features. Also increases the Item Card size for mods that have long effect descriptions

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file moreHUD Inventory Edition Loose Version - Pre AE-18619-1-0-19-1643677334.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2 USER INTERFACE\2.1 HUDS directory

Click here to get more details for moreHUD Inventory Edition

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2 USER INTERFACE\2.1 HUDS\moreHUD Inventory Edition Loose Version - Pre AE-18619-1-0-19-1643677334.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop moreHUD Inventory Edition above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Less Intrusive HUD II SE

Less Intrusive HUD II allows you to tweak pretty much every element in the vanilla HUD
And it does so : IN GAME ! No separate .txt files, no more going in/out game to check your setting.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Less Intrusive HUD II SE 1.1.44-SE-17974-1-1-44-SE.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2 USER INTERFACE\2.1 HUDS directory

Click here to get more details for Less Intrusive HUD II SE

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2 USER INTERFACE\2.1 HUDS\Less Intrusive HUD II SE 1.1.44-SE-17974-1-1-44-SE.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Less Intrusive HUD II SE above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Less Intrusive HUD II SE - FISSES Patch

Patch for FISSES

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Less Intrusive HUD II SE - FISSES Patch -towatot-17974-1-0-SE.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2 USER INTERFACE\2.1 HUDS directory

Click here to get more details for Less Intrusive HUD II SE - FISSES Patch

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2 USER INTERFACE\2.1 HUDS\Less Intrusive HUD II SE - FISSES Patch -towatot-17974-1-0-SE.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Less Intrusive HUD II SE - FISSES Patch above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Display Enemy Level SE

This MOD displays enemy level and enemy health numbers on the HUDMenu.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file DisplayEnemyLevel v1.1.3 for SkyrimSE-18533-1-1-3-1593081386.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2 USER INTERFACE\2.1 HUDS directory

Click here to get more details for Display Enemy Level SE

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2 USER INTERFACE\2.1 HUDS\DisplayEnemyLevel v1.1.3 for SkyrimSE-18533-1-1-3-1593081386.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Display Enemy Level SE above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Quick Loot RE

This mod adds a looting menu akin to the one present in FO4.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file QuickLootRE-21085-2-8-6-1609752312.zip and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2 USER INTERFACE\2.1 HUDS directory

Click here to get more details for Quick Loot RE

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2 USER INTERFACE\2.1 HUDS\QuickLootRE-21085-2-8-6-1609752312.zip and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Quick Loot RE above OUTPUTS and check the mod.


Adds various custom menus to Skyrim for modder use.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file UIExtensions v1-2-0-17561-1-2-0.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2 USER INTERFACE\2.1 HUDS directory

Click here to get more details for UIExtensions

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2 USER INTERFACE\2.1 HUDS\UIExtensions v1-2-0-17561-1-2-0.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop UIExtensions above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Add Item Menu SE

Just downloaded an Armor Mod.? This tool extension allow you to see the items in a particular mod's .esp/esl Which then is displayed on an item screen, you can click items to add them to your inventory.


You always need to download the mod for the right version of your SKSE

In this case we will install the version designed for SKSE

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file AddItemMenuSE_114_SKSE2019-17563-1-14-1598741692.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2 USER INTERFACE\2.1 HUDS directory

Click here to get more details for Add Item Menu SE

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2 USER INTERFACE\2.1 HUDS\AddItemMenuSE_114_SKSE2019-17563-1-14-1598741692.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Add Item Menu SE above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

A Matter Of Time

This mod adds a clock to the HUD showing the current time of day and more.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file AMatterOfTime_v3_0_0_alpha_4-12937-v3-0-0a4.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2 USER INTERFACE\2.1 HUDS directory

Click here to get more details for A Matter Of Time

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2 USER INTERFACE\2.1 HUDS\AMatterOfTime_v3_0_0_alpha_4-12937-v3-0-0a4.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop A Matter Of Time above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Customizable UI Replacer Less Intrusive HUD SE

A bunch of presets with custom textures for the User Interface!

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Customizable UI Replacer Less Intrusive HUD SE-18398-2-2-1558716623.rar and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2 USER INTERFACE\2.1 HUDS directory

Click here to get more details for Customizable UI Replacer Less Intrusive HUD SE

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2 USER INTERFACE\2.1 HUDS\Customizable UI Replacer Less Intrusive HUD SE-18398-2-2-1558716623.rar and select OK

Drag and drop Customizable UI Replacer Less Intrusive HUD SE above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

2.2 Equipment & Hotkeys

Right click on OUPUTS select All Mods -> create separator.

Type 2.2 EQUIPMENT & HOTKEYS and click OK

AH Hotkeys SSE

AH Hotkeys is a hotkey manager mod. Now for Skyrim SE. The objective of this mod is to allow anything that can be equipped to be hotkeyed, including sets of equipment, and to enable autocasting of spells and shouts. Equip Sets can contain weapons, armour, clothing, spells, shouts, powers, scrolls, potions, food, ingredients and other Equip Sets.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file AH Hotkeys SSE-15761-4-4-3-1590889311.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.2 EQUIPMENT & HOTKEYS directory

Click here to get more details for AH Hotkeys SSE

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.2 EQUIPMENT & HOTKEYS\AH Hotkeys SSE-15761-4-4-3-1590889311.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop AH Hotkeys SSE above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Hotkey Your Gear Special Edition

Bind full equipsets, including Armors, Weapons, Shields and Spells to a single Hotkey. No matter what items you have equipped - it works fine. Just equip all items you want and bind them to a hotkey. Also works for followers! Doesn't cover shouts and powers. This is a port! Original mod by piratabonifacio.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Hotkey_Your_Gear_Special_Edition-13930-1-3bSSE.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.2 EQUIPMENT & HOTKEYS directory

Click here to get more details for Hotkey Your Gear Special Edition

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.2 EQUIPMENT & HOTKEYS\Hotkey_Your_Gear_Special_Edition-13930-1-3bSSE.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on Manual Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Hotkey Your Gear Special Edition above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

iEquip SE

iEquip is a fully featured hotkey gear switching and equipment management mod, complete with advanced SkyUI HUD widget. Its purpose is to reduce the amount of time spent in menus managing weapons, potions, poisons...and MUCH MUCH MORE!

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file iEquip-27008-1-6-4-1641124709.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.2 EQUIPMENT & HOTKEYS directory

Click here to get more details for iEquip SE

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.2 EQUIPMENT & HOTKEYS\iEquip-27008-1-6-4-1641124709.7z and select OK

Drag and drop iEquip SE above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

2.3 Miscellaneous

Right click on OUPUTS select All Mods -> create separator.

Type 2.3 MISC and click OK

Sovngarde - Mist's Font Replacer Light

Sovngarde is a lore-friendly font replacer I designed by hand based on Skyrim's title. Supports 8 languages and 2 weights!

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Sovngarde - Mist's Font Replacer Light V8.9-386-8-9-1576107283.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.3 MISC directory

Click here to get more details for Sovngarde - Mist's Font Replacer Light

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.3 MISC\Sovngarde - Mist's Font Replacer Light V8.9-386-8-9-1576107283.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Sovngarde - Mist's Font Replacer Light above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

12th Century Font

An Medieval Font replacer for Skyrims Books.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Font-72159-0-9.zip and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.3 MISC directory

Click here to get more details for 12th Century Font

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.3 MISC\Font-72159-0-9.zip and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop 12th Century Font above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Century Bookfont - Sovngarde Patch

Sovngarde is a lore-friendly font replacer I designed by hand based on Skyrim's title. Supports 8 languages and 2 weights!

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file 12th Century Bookfont - Sovngarde Patch V8.8-386-8-8-1543778797.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.3 MISC directory

Click here to get more details for Century Bookfont - Sovngarde Patch

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.3 MISC\12th Century Bookfont - Sovngarde Patch V8.8-386-8-8-1543778797.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Century Bookfont - Sovngarde Patch above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Dialogue Interface ReShaped

A complete redesign of the dialogue interface. More immersion with fixed controls. For 16:9, 16:10 and 21:9 displays.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Dialogue Interface ReShaped-46546-1-03-1616150370.zip and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.3 MISC directory

Click here to get more details for Dialogue Interface ReShaped

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.3 MISC\Dialogue Interface ReShaped-46546-1-03-1616150370.zip and select OK

Select your ratio and click on Next

Select option you want and click on Next

Select option you want and click on Install

Drag and drop Dialogue Interface ReShaped above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Stay At System Page

Ensures the journal menu always opens at the system page tab.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Stay At System Page-19832-1-5-0-1583022131.zip and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.3 MISC directory

Click here to get more details for Stay At System Page

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.3 MISC\Stay At System Page-19832-1-5-0-1583022131.zip and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Stay At System Page above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Whose Quest Is It Anyway

Swaps the "Quest items cannot be removed..." message for a more descriptive message informing you which quest the item belongs to.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file WhoseQuestIsItAnyway-23581-1-3-0-1583022223.zip and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.3 MISC directory

Click here to get more details for Whose Quest Is It Anyway

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.3 MISC\WhoseQuestIsItAnyway-23581-1-3-0-1583022223.zip and select OK

Fill informations as shown and click on OK

Drag and drop Whose Quest Is It Anyway above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Unread Books Glow SSE

Books which you have not read yet will have a visible glow.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Unread Books Glow SSE 2.2.1-1296-2-2-1.zip and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.3 MISC directory

Click here to get more details for Unread Books Glow SSE

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.3 MISC\Unread Books Glow SSE 2.2.1-1296-2-2-1.zip and select OK

Fill informations as shown below click on OK Fill informations as shown below click on OK Fill informations as shown below click on OK

Drag and drop Unread Books Glow SSE above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Skyrim SE Skill Interface Re-Texture

This mod is a collection of new textures that you can pick and choose to replace the vanilla skill interface textures.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file SSIRT SE v4.1-1523-v4-1.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.3 MISC directory

Click here to get more details for Skyrim SE Skill Interface Re-Texture

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.3 MISC\SSIRT SE v4.1-1523-v4-1.7z and select OK

Drag and drop Skyrim SE Skill Interface Re-Texture above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Dear Diary

Replacer for Skyrim interface in a paper style.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Dear Diary-23010-3-0-5-1624174006.zip and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.3 MISC directory

Click here to get more details for Dear Diary

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.3 MISC\Dear Diary-23010-3-0-5-1624174006.zip and select OK

Drag and drop Dear Diary above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

EasyWheel SSE

This is a conversion of the oldrim Easy Wheelmenu with some added extras

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file EasyWheel - SSE Conversion-22934-2-1-1558311806.rar and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.3 MISC directory

Click here to get more details for EasyWheel SSE

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.3 MISC\EasyWheel - SSE Conversion-22934-2-1-1558311806.rar and select OK

Fill informations as shown below click on OK

Drag and drop EasyWheel SSE above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Gold To Septims - Weightless

Gold To Septims adds weight and renames "Gold" to "Septim" in vendor and looting menus.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Gold To Septims - Weightless-17134-1-0.rar and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.3 MISC directory

Click here to get more details for Gold To Septims - Weightless

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.3 MISC\Gold To Septims - Weightless-17134-1-0.rar and select OK

Fill informations as shown below click on OK

Drag and drop Gold To Septims - Weightless above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Jaxonz Renamer

Easily rename anything and anyone in-game.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Jaxonz Renamer-14694-2-26.rar and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.3 MISC directory

Click here to get more details for Jaxonz Renamer

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.3 MISC\Jaxonz Renamer-14694-2-26.rar and select OK

Fill informations as shown below click on OK

Drag and drop Jaxonz Renamer above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

2.4 Screen & Loading

Right click on OUPUTS select All Mods -> create separator.

Type 2.4 SCREEN & LOADING and click OK

A Quality World Map - Vivid with Flat Roads

Provides a new set of highly-detailed 3D or paper world map textures, complete with roads! Also adds a detailed Solsteim map.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file 9.0.1 A Quality World Map - Vivid with Flat Roads-5804-9-0-1VF.zip and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.4 SCREEN & LOADING directory

Click here to get more details for A Quality World Map - Vivid with Flat Roads

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.4 SCREEN & LOADING\9.0.1 A Quality World Map - Vivid with Flat Roads-5804-9-0-1VF.zip and select OK

Fill informations as shown below click on OK

Drag and drop A Quality World Map - Vivid with Flat Roads above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

A Quality World Map - Clear Map Skies

Provides a new set of highly-detailed 3D or paper world map textures, complete with roads! Also adds a detailed Solsteim map.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file A Quality World Map - Clear Map Skies-5804-9-0-1CMS.zip and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.4 SCREEN & LOADING directory

Click here to get more details for A Quality World Map - Clear Map Skies

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.4 SCREEN & LOADING\A Quality World Map - Clear Map Skies-5804-9-0-1CMS.zip and select OK

Fill informations as shown below click on OK

Drag and drop A Quality World Map - Clear Map Skies above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Atlas Map Markers

This is an update to Kronixx's classic mod, Atlas Map Markers. It adds MCM options with full control over the new markers, as well as all of the vanilla map markers.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Atlas Map Markers-24104-2-1-1644899832.zip and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.4 SCREEN & LOADING directory

Click here to get more details for Atlas Map Markers

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.4 SCREEN & LOADING\Atlas Map Markers-24104-2-1-1644899832.zip and select OK

Fill informations as shown below click on OK

Drag and drop Atlas Map Markers above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

The Elder Scrolls Legends - Loading Screens

Adds 56 high quality and lore friendly artworks from "The Elder Scrolls: Legends" as loading screens. Works as a vanilla replacer and alongside vanilla loading screens.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file TESL - Loading Screens-37929-1-2-0-1594155483.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.4 SCREEN & LOADING directory

Click here to get more details for The Elder Scrolls Legends - Loading Screens

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.4 SCREEN & LOADING\TESL - Loading Screens-37929-1-2-0-1594155483.7z and select OK

Drag and drop The Elder Scrolls Legends - Loading Screens above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Dragon Aspect Main Menu

Hand-drawn menu replacers for classic Elder Scrolls fans in multiple flavours.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Dragon Aspect-744-3.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.4 SCREEN & LOADING directory

Click here to get more details for Dragon Aspect Main Menu

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.4 SCREEN & LOADING\Dragon Aspect-744-3.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown below click on OK

Drag and drop Dragon Aspect Main Menu above OUTPUTS and check the mod.


Right click on OUPUTS select All Mods -> create separator.


RaceMenu Special Edition

Complete overhaul to the character creation menu including new customization features such as multiple RGBA warpaints, body paints, hand paint, and foot paints. (Requires SKSE)

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file RaceMenu Special Edition v0-4-16-19080-0-4-16-1601805673.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.5 CHARACTER directory

Click here to get more details for RaceMenu Special Edition

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.5 CHARACTER\RaceMenu Special Edition v0-4-16-19080-0-4-16-1601805673.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown below click on OK

Drag and drop RaceMenu Special Edition above OUTPUTS and check the mod.

Player Rotation in ShowRaceMenu

This mod makes it possible to rotate the player character using right-clicking and mouse dragging in ShowRaceMenu.

Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.

When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Player Rotation in ShowRaceMenu v1.0.0 for SkyrimSE-36095-1-0-0-1589710499.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.5 CHARACTER directory

Click here to get more details for Player Rotation in ShowRaceMenu

Nexus mod page here

MOD Installation

In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button

Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\2_USER INTERFACE\2.5 CHARACTER\Player Rotation in ShowRaceMenu v1.0.0 for SkyrimSE-36095-1-0-0-1589710499.7z and select OK

Fill informations as shown below click on OK

Drag and drop Player Rotation in ShowRaceMenu above OUTPUTS and check the mod.
Post Installation Setup

Select LOOT from the right combobox and click on Run button (Always run it from Mod Organizer)

Click on the sort button

You will get this screen

Click on Apply

Your mods plugins are now ordered correctly.

Skyrim SE plugins architecture allows a maximum of 255 ESP plugins(Mod Organizer 2 right plane).

An ESL plugins does not count for this 255 plugins limit.

At this point we can convert some ESP plugins to ESL plugins to save some space.

Select SSEEdit from the right combobox and click on Run button (Always run it from Mod Organizer)

Make sure all mods are selected and click on OK

Let the program process data and click on OK when you get this window

You should get the message "Background Loader: finished" in the right pane

On the left pane right click on any mod and select Apply Script

Select Find ESP plugins which could be turned into ESL and click on OK

On the right pane you should get messages telling you which plugin can be converted

On the left pane, expand LessIntrusiveHUD.esp and select File Header

On the right pane, double click on Record Flags, you will get a warning then click Yes i'm absolutely sure

Check ESL

You should get this result

Repeat the previous steps for all mods mentioned below

  • AH Hotkeys.esp
  • GoldToSeptimsWeightless.esp

Don't do this for SkyUi and Racemenu esps.

When done close SSEEdit, you should get this window.

Make sure all the modified mods are checked and click on OK.

Start the game

Select SKSE and click on Run

In the game main menu load your last saved game.

Start to test if all the mods have been installed correctly.

MCM Configuration for Huds mods to work

Go to MCM Configuration ESC->Mod Configuration

Select Less Intrusive Hud->General Settings and click on Load personal preset

Select A Matter Of Time->Presets and click on Load user settings

Select moreHud->Enemy's Level and and set options as shown

Make a save game and exit the game.

If your overwrite folder contains files generated by a mod, you should see this in the top right corner of MO2

In Mod Organizer 2 double click on overwrite at the bottom window

This is an example of files generated by the mod Fuz Ro D'oh (covered in the previous section)

If you have any files generated by mods here, drag and drop the files and/or directories to SKSE Outputs Mod you have created at step 1.5 Core Mods

Check for files generated by mods every time you close Skyrim.

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Dark Dominion 110,00 USD

aMasTerMiiNd 100,00 USD

werwin1 100,00 EUR

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TheGeorge1980 100,00 EUR

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Kevin K 88,00 EUR

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CYRIL888 60,00 EUR

Illusive Bro 60,00 EUR

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Discrepancy 50,00 EUR

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