Make sure you install the mods in the following order.
Click on a mod to expand the content
Right click on OUPUTS select All Mods -> create separator.
Legacy of the Dragonborn will forever change how you play Skyrim. Not just a display mod, not just a quest mod, not just a new guild mod, but a complete foundational flagship mod to build an entire load order around. This DLC expansion sized mod adds hundreds of new items, dozens of new quests and hundreds of extra hours of play.
Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.
When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Legacy of the Dragonborn-11802-5-6-3-1648763551.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS directoryClick here to get more details for Legacy of the Dragonborn
Nexus mod page here
In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button
Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS\Legacy of the Dragonborn-11802-5-6-3-1648763551.7z and select OK
Fill informations as shown and click on OK
Travel beyond the borders of Skyrim and explore Bruma, the northernmost county in Cyrodiil. Delve into Ayleid ruins, meddle in local affairs or explore the wilds - the journey begins now.
Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.
When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Beyond Skyrim Bruma SE 1.3.3-10917-1-3-3.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS directoryClick here to get more details for Beyond Skyrim Bruma SE
Nexus mod page here
In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button
Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS\Beyond Skyrim Bruma SE 1.3.3-10917-1-3-3.7z and select OK
Fill informations as shown and click on OK
Allows the best DLC integration with Beyond Skyrim SE (DLCs/BS conflicts, duplicate item replacement, new HF plantables, and more). See the Readme included. Load just after BS main files.
Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.
When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Beyond Skyrim DLC Integration Patch-10917-1-1-2.rar and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS directoryClick here to get more details for Beyond Skyrim DLC Integration Patch
Nexus mod page here
In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button
Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS\Beyond Skyrim DLC Integration Patch-10917-1-1-2.rar and select OK
Fill informations as shown and click OK
patches the Stone Rest sign and Bruma's signage to the stores and guilds and inns with SMIM Meshes
Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.
When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Bruma SE Signs SMIMmed-10924-1.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS directoryClick here to get more details for Bruma SE Signs SMIMmed
Nexus mod page here
In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button
Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS\Bruma SE Signs SMIMmed-10924-1.7z and select OK
Fill informations as shown and click on OK
Mihail's wolf models now apply to the Wolves in Beyond Skyrim Bruma. Textures are 4k resolution and made by the wonderful yoshimuji, who has given me permission to use them. Since his textures are still in beta I will update this mod as soon as they are updated. For now I am using a simple modified version of his as well as the original.
Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.
When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Mashup Mihail Bruma and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS directoryClick here to get more details for Mashup Mihail Bruma Wolves
Nexus mod page here
In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button
Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS\Mashup Mihail Bruma and select OK
Fill informations as shown and click on OK
Fixes the Whitegold tower with custom lods (For Dyndolod and Bruma)
Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.
When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS directoryClick here to get more details for Beyond Skyrim - Imperial City LOD Fix
Nexus mod page here
In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button
Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS\ and select OK
Fill informations as shown and click on OK
Bruma Tree Billboards for use with TES5LODGen or DynDOLOD.
Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.
When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Billboards for Beyond Skyrim Bruma-29386-1-0-1569896446.rar and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS directoryClick here to get more details for Beyond Skyrim Bruma Tree LOD
Nexus mod page here
In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button
Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS\Billboards for Beyond Skyrim Bruma-29386-1-0-1569896446.rar and select OK
Fill informations as shown and click on OK
Brought to you by An_Old_Sock, the author of the in-development Moonpath Reborn, Moonpath to Elsweyr is enjoying regular updates for the first time in five years. With numerous bugs having been squashed, graphical quality vastly improved and a number of user complaints tended to. This is the most comprehensive Moonpath experience to date.
Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.
When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Moonpath to Elsweyr SSE-4341-1-16-1.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS directoryClick here to get more details for Moonpath to Elsweyr SSE
Nexus mod page here
In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button
Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS\Moonpath to Elsweyr SSE-4341-1-16-1.7z and select OK
Fill informations as shown and click on OK
An unofficial patch to resolve various issues with Moonpath to Elsweyr while its current official caretaker is away.
Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.
When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Unofficial Moonpath to Elsweyr Patch v1.5-15882-1-5.rar and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS directoryClick here to get more details for Unofficial Moonpath to Elsweyr Patch
Nexus mod page here
In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button
Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS\Unofficial Moonpath to Elsweyr Patch v1.5-15882-1-5.rar and select OK
Fill informations as shown and click OK
Moves Moonpath to Elsweyr's Khajiit caravan from Falkreath to Greenwood, the southernmost point of County Bruma, in order to enhance the player's sense of travelling across Tamriel.
Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.
When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Beyond Skyrim - Bruma Moonpath to Elsweyr Synergy Patch v2.4-11069-2-4.rar and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS directoryClick here to get more details for Beyond Skyrim - Bruma Moonpath to Elsweyr Synergy Patch
Nexus mod page here
In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button
Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS\Beyond Skyrim - Bruma Moonpath to Elsweyr Synergy Patch v2.4-11069-2-4.rar and select OK
Fill informations as shown and click on OK
Fixes the always daytime, overly bright sky in Moonpath to Elsweyr.
Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.
When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Moonpath Music - Sky and Light fix - Merged 1.3-18683-1-3-1593247091.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS directoryClick here to get more details for Moonpath Music - Sky and Light fix
Nexus mod page here
In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button
Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS\Moonpath Music - Sky and Light fix - Merged 1.3-18683-1-3-1593247091.7z and select OK
Fill informations as shown and click on OK
Beyond Reach is a DLC sized mod that takes place in the east of High Rock, commonly known as The Reach. You will experience a story of intrigue, conspiracies sowed by both men and gods, and the struggles of those in the most squalid situations.
Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.
When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Beyond Reach 4_51 2021-3008-4-51-1624917982.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS directoryClick here to get more details for Beyond Reach
Nexus mod page here
In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button
Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS\Beyond Reach 4_51 2021-3008-4-51-1624917982.7z and select OK
Fill informations as shown and click on OK
Select SSE Edit Cleaning and click on Run
Select ONLY arnima.esm and click OK
Wait until the process is finished and close the window
Patch for Immersive sounds
Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.
When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Beyond Reach - Immersive Sounds and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS directoryClick here to get more details for Beyond Reach - Immersive Sounds Patch
Nexus mod page here
In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button
Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS\Beyond Reach - Immersive Sounds and select OK
Fill informations as shown and click on OK
A comprehensive fantasy style landscape overhaul for Beyond Reach featuring dead and living trees.
Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.
When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Dark Forest of Skyrim SE - Beyond Reach - Main plus Billboards-21975-1-1-1545249374.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS directoryClick here to get more details for Dark Forest of Skyrim SE - Beyond Reach
Nexus mod page here
In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button
Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS\Dark Forest of Skyrim SE - Beyond Reach - Main plus Billboards-21975-1-1-1545249374.7z and select OK
Fill informations as shown and click on OK
A compilation of tweaks for Beyond Reach.
Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.
When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Beyond Reach - Tweaks and Enhancements - FOMOD-23439-2-4-4SE-1623972032.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS directoryClick here to get more details for Beyond Reach - Tweaks and Enhancements
Nexus mod page here
In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button
Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS\Beyond Reach - Tweaks and Enhancements - FOMOD-23439-2-4-4SE-1623972032.7z and select OK
Select options as shown and click Install
A mod to restore several pieces of cut content in Skyrim Special Edition.
Click here to manually download the mod OR here to automatically download the mod through Mod Organizer 2.
When downloaded go to the folder where the file has been downloaded, cut the file Cutting Room Floor-276-3-1-11-1638226201.7z and copy it to your NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS directoryClick here to get more details for Cutting Room Floor
Nexus mod page here
In Mod Organizer 2 click on add mod button
Browse to NOLVUS\ARCHIVE\4 DLC MODS\Cutting Room Floor-276-3-1-11-1638226201.7z and select OK
Fill informations as shown and click on OK
LOOT is used to order mods plugin but sometimes it is necessary to add a custom ordering rule to tell LOOT the right load order.
Select LOOT from the right combobox and click on Run button (Always run it from Mod Organizer)
In the right pane scroll to find arnima.esm and click on the right button
Click on Edit metadata
Select Load After tab and click on ADD NEW ROW
Start typing Legacy... LOOT will automatically filter plugins for you
Select LegacyoftheDragonBorn.esm and click on the Save button
Now LOOT will load arnima.esm after LegacyoftheDragonBorn.esm
Do the same step for BSAssets.esm and load it after arnima.esm
Click on the sort button
You will get this screen
Click on Apply
Your mods plugins are now ordered correctly.
Skyrim SE plugins architecture allows a maximum of 255 ESP plugins(Mod Organizer 2 right plane).
An ESL plugins does not count for this 255 plugins limit.
At this point we can convert some ESP plugins to ESL plugins to save some space.
Select SSEEdit from the right combobox and click on Run button (Always run it from Mod Organizer)
Make sure all mods are selected and click on OK
Let the program process data and click on OK when you get this window
You should get the message "Background Loader: finished" in the right pane
On the left pane right click on any mod and select Apply Script
Select Find ESP plugins which could be turned into ESL and click on OK
On the right pane you should get messages telling you which plugin can be converted
On the left pane, expand SMIM-bruma-patch.esp and select File Header
On the right pane, double click on Record Flags, you will get a warning then click Yes i'm absolutely sure and check ESL
You should get this result
When done close SSEEdit, you should get this window.
Make sure all the modified mods are checked and click on OK.
Select SKSE and click on Run
In the game main menu load your last saved game.
Start to test if all the mods have been installed correctly.
Make a save game and exit the game.
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